Friday, July 15, 2016

My Private Idaho

My Private Idaho on occasions feels so real, some of the dialogue (note I said some) gives you the impression that you are overhearing private conversations while sitting at a coffee shop. You feel like you are at the next table while they talk about first dates (not what you think), other confessions and talking over each other makes this feel like you are there in the thick of it.

This acting could not be completely different, with some fantastic acting from River Phoenix and not so great acting from Keanu Reeves. However Keanu I think has one of the best pieces of monologues in the film.
               (under his breath)
               When I turn twenty-one, I don't want
               any more of this life. My mother and
               father will be surprised at the
               incredible change. It will impress
               them more when such a fuck up like
               me turns good than if I had been a
               good son all along. All the past
               years I will think of as one big
               vacation. At least it wasn't as
               boring as schoolwork. All my bad
               behavior I'm going to throw away to
               pay my debt. I will change when
               everybody expects it the least.

Phoenix is at his best in the camp scene.  Some of the sex scenes are weird but it was nice not to have everything in front of your face for a change. Subtly is a whole another art form. Worth seeing again.

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