Monday, September 5, 2016

Why I blog

I blog for me. So I can capture moments in my life that I otherwise would forget. You see movies, art, etc are very important to me and I want other people to see what I see and share my thoughts.

We are born to experience life, but sometimes I think people are overwhelmed with so much that is going on that we forget just to go out and experience things. I push myself to go and experience as much as I can - mostly because if I didn't I would end up staying at home every night.

My philosophy with blogging isn't writing thousands of words why people should not or shouldn't do something, I get it, people are busy and have varied tastes. What I aim to do is to provide a succinct overview or judgement about what I have experienced.

But there is a catch - I will be honest. If the emperor has no clothes, then I will say it! Liking something for the sake of fashion or trend is not what I am about. That remains true for not liking something - you see just because I do not like something does not mean it is not well done or entertains others - I am not the be all and end all of what people find entertaining.

I am a small fish, in a small pond who just loves blogging about what I have done and what I have seen in my local area.

I was not always like this, going out and experiencing life. Besides being recently diagnosed with Autism - I have suffered a greatly from depression and anxiety. For as long as I can remember D & A has ruled my life - so much so that going out can be highly stressful.  I didn’t go out, I shunned all events - I missed out on life. There was nothing meaningful to blog except for the random thoughts going through my mind at a hundred miles an hour.

Writing and planning my blog gives me a lot of pleasure, but I do have a plan. I want to take my blog to another level where I have lots of people interested in life and who want to experience the brilliant things that I get to, despite my disabilities.

So my blog motivates me to experience life but hopefully it inspires others to take some time out there life to experience the different things that life has to offer.

Back to the Future 1 and 2 @ Hoyts Rewind

Well last saturday night I saw Back to the future 1 and 2 at Hoyts cinemas.

These movies are old and with the special effects are not as smooth as we have today BUT you know they are still great movies: entertaining and definitely worth watching again on the big screen.

In Search of Chopin

Well this was a two hour documentary about Chopin, his life and music. The only problem my eyes kept closing and I wanted to sleep. However I do not think this a reflection of the genius and new style of piano playing that Chopin introduced. It was more of a case that I was just tired. Late night and feeling run down. There was plenty of music for those who enjoy Chopin. I figure the only real problem with this is the visual. There is nothing really for your eye to focus on when they were playing snippets of his music (probably why I needed to close them so often).